Thursday, March 15, 2012

So, everywhere you turn there are ads, commercials, and magaine articles all on how to achieve that "perfect" look. i.e. how to be skinny. Here's my question: is it really that important?

Answer: yeah pretty much. Regardless of how immune you think you are to it every woman wants to be skinny. Because in todays society skinny equals attractive and desirable.  Ultimately-thats what everyone wants.

So I have been obsessing to get to my goal weight of 105lbs. Started at 167lbs. I am now at 150lbs.
I am not even at the halfway mark and its hard. I exercise when I'm exhausted, or in pain. I fast for days, I cut out all sodas, sweets, fatty foods etc..but what happens is I end up starting to lose weight then because of all the restrictive eating I give in to a moment of weakness and binge and gain it all back or more. Then I get discouraged and go off my diet. Why is it so hard!?! Why is happiness measured by a number on the scale? Why do I so desperately need to get to a certain size?

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